2015 JAD Editorial Board Meeting

4 September 2015

July 20, 2015
Location: Mount Vernon Place, 900 Massachusetts Ave NW, 12.00-13.00pm.

Present: ~90 Associate Editors, George Perry, PhD (Editor in Chief), Aaron Sorensen (Scientometrics Editor), Rasjel van der Holst (Associate Publisher). Tim Clark, PhD, biomedical informatics and JAD website developer, via Skype.

Click here for a PDF of the the presentation.

Short summary:
On July 20, 2015, JAD Editor-in-Chief George Perry, PhD, presented statistics and policies related to the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (JAD), including its new website developments. The presentation is published here for all JAD editors and readers to view. Over 90 Editorial Board members attended the meeting. Following the presentation a question round answered further inquiries about:

  • The JAD cover: What is it?
  • How to be picked for a Press Release? The Senior Editors pick interesting topics, or the researcher’s institute’s press office shares their release with JAD to reach further outlets. You may nominate your work to the Editor to be considered for press.
  • How does Dr. Perry manage the review of all those JAD submissions? George “begins the day with JAD and ends the day with JAD”, and has Editorial Manager Beth Kumar to rely on.
  • Why does the journal need a publication fee? To cover costs for the editorial office and support, production and development.
  • Pubmed’s policies and embargoes.

We wish to thank our authors and editors for their continued support!