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C. Trieu, Van Harten, A. C., Leeuwis, A. E., Exalto, L. G., Hooghiemstra, A. M., Verberk, I. M. W., Allaart, C. P., La Rocca, H. - P. Brunner-, L Kappelle, J., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Biessels, G. - J., Teunissen, C. E., and van der Flier, W. M., Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Decline in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases Along the Heart-Brain Axis., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 987-1000, 2024.
C. Trieu, Van Harten, A. C., Leeuwis, A. E., Exalto, L. G., Hooghiemstra, A. M., Verberk, I. M. W., Allaart, C. P., La Rocca, H. - P. Brunner-, L Kappelle, J., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Biessels, G. - J., Teunissen, C. E., and van der Flier, W. M., Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Decline in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases Along the Heart-Brain Axis., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 987-1000, 2024.
M. M. Gonzales, Kojis, D., Spartano, N. L., Thibault, E. G., DeCarli, C. S., Fakhri, G. El, Johnson, K. A., Beiser, A. S., and Seshadri, S., Associations of Physical Activity Engagement with Cerebral Amyloid-β and Tau from Midlife., J Alzheimers Dis, 2024.
S. Egebäck Arulf, Zhou, R. Ziyue, Kirsebom, B. - E., Jejcic, A., Fladby, T., Winblad, B., Tjernberg, L., and Schedin-Weiss, S., Bisecting N-Acetylglucosamine Correlates with Phospho-Tau181 in Subjective Cognitive Decline but not in Control Cases., J Alzheimers Dis, 2024.
D. Li, Xie, Q., Xie, J., Ni, M., Wang, J., Gao, Y., Wang, Y., and Tang, Q., Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteomics Identifies Potential Biomarkers for Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 261-277, 2024.
S. Hermes, Cady, J., Armentrout, S., O'Connor, J., Holdaway, S. Carlson, Cruchaga, C., Wingo, T., and Greytak, E. McRae, Epistatic Features and Machine Learning Improve Alzheimer's Disease Risk Prediction Over Polygenic Risk Scores., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 1425-1440, 2024.
F. Márquez, Tarraf, W., Stickel, A. M., Gonzalez, K. A., Testai, F. D., Cai, J., Gallo, L. C., Talavera, G. A., Daviglus, M. L., Wassertheil-Smoller, S., DeCarli, C., Schneiderman, N., and González, H. M., Hypertension, Cognitive Decline, and Mild Cognitive Impairment Among Diverse Hispanics/Latinos: Study of Latinos-Investigation of Neurocognitive Aging Results (SOL-INCA)., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 1449-1461, 2024.
F. Márquez, Tarraf, W., Stickel, A. M., Gonzalez, K. A., Testai, F. D., Cai, J., Gallo, L. C., Talavera, G. A., Daviglus, M. L., Wassertheil-Smoller, S., DeCarli, C., Schneiderman, N., and González, H. M., Hypertension, Cognitive Decline, and Mild Cognitive Impairment Among Diverse Hispanics/Latinos: Study of Latinos-Investigation of Neurocognitive Aging Results (SOL-INCA)., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 1449-1461, 2024.
F. Márquez, Tarraf, W., Stickel, A. M., Gonzalez, K. A., Testai, F. D., Cai, J., Gallo, L. C., Talavera, G. A., Daviglus, M. L., Wassertheil-Smoller, S., DeCarli, C., Schneiderman, N., and González, H. M., Hypertension, Cognitive Decline, and Mild Cognitive Impairment Among Diverse Hispanics/Latinos: Study of Latinos-Investigation of Neurocognitive Aging Results (SOL-INCA)., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 1449-1461, 2024.
M. Serpente, Fenoglio, C., Arcaro, M., Carandini, T., Sacchi, L., Pintus, M., Rotondo, E., Borracci, V., Ghezzi, L., Bouzigues, A., Russell, L. L., Foster, P. H., Ferry-Bolder, E., van Swieten, J. C., Jiskoot, L. C., Seelaar, H., Valle, R. Sánchez, Laforce, R., Graff, C., Vandenberghe, R., de Mendonça, A., Tiraboschi, P., Santana, I., Gerhard, A., Levin, J., Sorbi, S., Otto, M., Pasquier, F., Ducharme, S., Butler, C. R., Le Ber, I., Finger, E., Tartaglia, M. Carmela, Masellis, M., Rowe, J. B., Synofzik, M., Moreno, F., Borroni, B., Rohrer, J. D., Arighi, A., and Galimberti, D., Long Non-Coding RNA Profile in Genetic Symptomatic and Presymptomatic Frontotemporal Dementia: A GENFI Study., J Alzheimers Dis, 2024.
M. Serpente, Fenoglio, C., Arcaro, M., Carandini, T., Sacchi, L., Pintus, M., Rotondo, E., Borracci, V., Ghezzi, L., Bouzigues, A., Russell, L. L., Foster, P. H., Ferry-Bolder, E., van Swieten, J. C., Jiskoot, L. C., Seelaar, H., Valle, R. Sánchez, Laforce, R., Graff, C., Vandenberghe, R., de Mendonça, A., Tiraboschi, P., Santana, I., Gerhard, A., Levin, J., Sorbi, S., Otto, M., Pasquier, F., Ducharme, S., Butler, C. R., Le Ber, I., Finger, E., Tartaglia, M. Carmela, Masellis, M., Rowe, J. B., Synofzik, M., Moreno, F., Borroni, B., Rohrer, J. D., Arighi, A., and Galimberti, D., Long Non-Coding RNA Profile in Genetic Symptomatic and Presymptomatic Frontotemporal Dementia: A GENFI Study., J Alzheimers Dis, 2024.
F. A. Ramadan, Arani, G., Jafri, A., Thompson, T., Bland, V. L., Renquist, B., Raichlen, D. A., Alexander, G. E., and Klimentidis, Y. C., Mendelian Randomization of Blood Metabolites Suggests Circulating Glutamine Protects Against Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 1069-1078, 2024.
C. Marr, McDowell, B., Holmes, C., Edwards, C. J., Cardwell, C., McHenry, M., Meenagh, G., Teeling, J. L., and McGuinness, B., The RESIST Study: Examining Cognitive Change in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment Being Treated with a TNF-Inhibitor Compared to a Conventional Synthetic Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 161-175, 2024.
Y. Okinaka, Shinagawa, Y., Claussen, C., Gul, S., Matsui, I., Matsui, Y., and Taguchi, A., RNA Analysis of Circulating Leukocytes in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 1673-1683, 2024.
F. H. Duits, Nilsson, J., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., van der Flier, W. M., Teunissen, C. E., and Brinkmalm, A., Serial Cerebrospinal Fluid Sampling Reveals Trajectories of Potential Synaptic Biomarkers in Early Stages of Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, 2024.
M. J. Angevaare, Pieters, J. A., Twisk, J. W. R., and Van Hout, H. P. J., Social Activity and Cognitive Decline in Older Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities: A Cohort Study., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 98, no. 2, pp. 433-443, 2024.
W. Wang, Zhao, F., Torres, S., Harris, P. L. R., Wang, X., Peng, L., Siedlak, S. L., and Zhu, X., Space-Like Irradiation Exacerbated Cognitive Deficits and Amyloid Pathology in CRND8 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, 2024.
L. Sannemann, Bartels, C., Brosseron, F., Buerger, K., Fliessbach, K., Freiesleben, S. Dawn, Frommann, I., Glanz, W., Heneka, M. T., Janowitz, D., Kilimann, I., Kleineidam, L., Lammerding, D., Laske, C., Munk, M. H. J., Perneczky, R., Peters, O., Priller, J., Rauchmann, B. - S., Rostamzadeh, A., Roy-Kluth, N., Schild, A. - K., Schneider, A., Schneider, L. - S., Spottke, A., Spruth, E. Jakob, Teipel, S., Wagner, M., Wiltfang, J., Wolfsgruber, S., Duezel, E., and Jessen, F., Symptomatic Clusters Related to Amyloid Positivity in Cognitively Unimpaired Individuals., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 193-205, 2024.
J. Lilek, Ajroud, K., Feldman, A. Z., Krishnamachari, S., Ghourchian, S., Gefen, T., Spencer, C. L., Kawles, A., Mao, Q., Tranovich, J. F., Jack, C. R., Mesulam, M. - M., R Reichard, R., Zhang, H., Murray, M. E., Knopman, D., Dickson, D. W., Petersen, R. C., Smith, B., Ashe, K. H., Mielke, M. M., Nelson, K. M., and Flanagan, M. E., Accumulation of pTau231 at the Postsynaptic Density in Early Alzheimer's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 92, no. 1, pp. 241-260, 2023.
N. Ortí-Casañ, Wajant, H., H Kuiperij, B., Hooijsma, A., Tromp, L., Poortman, I. L., Tadema, N., de Lange, J. H. E., Verbeek, M. M., De Deyn, P. P., Naudé, P. J. W., and Eisel, U. L. M., Activation of TNF Receptor 2 Improves Synaptic Plasticity and Enhances Amyloid-β Clearance in an Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Model with Humanized TNF Receptor 2., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 977-991, 2023.
N. Ortí-Casañ, Wajant, H., H Kuiperij, B., Hooijsma, A., Tromp, L., Poortman, I. L., Tadema, N., de Lange, J. H. E., Verbeek, M. M., De Deyn, P. P., Naudé, P. J. W., and Eisel, U. L. M., Activation of TNF Receptor 2 Improves Synaptic Plasticity and Enhances Amyloid-β Clearance in an Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Model with Humanized TNF Receptor 2., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 977-991, 2023.
D. L. Alkon, Sun, M. - K., Tuchman, A. J., and Thompson, R. E., Advanced Alzheimer's Disease Patients Show Safe, Significant, and Persistent Benefit in 6-Month Bryostatin Trial., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 759-766, 2023.
D. L. Alkon, Sun, M. - K., Tuchman, A. J., and Thompson, R. E., Advanced Alzheimer's Disease Patients Show Safe, Significant, and Persistent Benefit in 6-Month Bryostatin Trial., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 759-766, 2023.
J. - Y. Liu, Ma, L. - Z., Wang, J., Cui, X. - J., Sheng, Z. - H., Fu, Y., Li, M., Ou, Y. - N., Yu, J. - T., Tan, L., and Lian, Y., Age-Related Association Between APOE ɛ4 and Cognitive Progression in de novo Parkinson's Disease., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 91, no. 3, pp. 1121-1132, 2023.
C. Milano, Hoxhaj, D., Del Chicca, M., Pascazio, A., Paoli, D., Tommasini, L., Vergallo, A., Pizzanelli, C., Tognoni, G., Nuti, A., Ceravolo, R., Siciliano, G., Hampel, H., and Baldacci, F., Alzheimer's Disease and Neurosyphilis: Meaningful Commonalities and Differences of Clinical Phenotype and Pathophysiological Biomarkers., J Alzheimers Dis, vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 611-625, 2023.
