Members Directory

Sunnybrook Research Institute
University of Belgrade, School of Dental Medicine, Clinic for Prosthodontics
Areas of Interest:
Geriatric Dental Medicine, Dental/Oral Factors as Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease, Oral Health Related Quality of Life, Removable Prosthetic Dentistry
Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland
Areas of Interest:
biofluid biomarkers, neuropsychiatric symptoms, cognition, delirium
University of California at San Francisco
United States
Areas of Interest:
living arrangements, effects of diagnosis, long-term care, aging in place
Sahlgrenska Academy at Goteborg University
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's disease, amyloid-β, amyloid-β protein precursor, biomarkers
Cognitive Disorders Reference Center (CEREDIC - Centro de Referência em Distúrbios Cognitivos)
Associate Editor
San Diego State University, University of California - San Diego
United States
Areas of Interest:
Aging and Cognition, epidemiology
University of Maryland School of Medicine, VA MIRECC Baltimore, VA MIRECC Rocky Mountain
United States
Areas of Interest:
Suicide, suicide prevention, depression, anxiety
