Members Directory

EIP Pharma, LLC, Cambridge, MA, USA
United States
Areas of Interest:
p38 MAPK alpha and other CNS kinases, inflammation induced synaptic dysfunction, Alzheimer's disease translational research
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
United States
Areas of Interest:
Aging and Cognition, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, epidemiology
University of Pennsylvania
Batterjee Medical College
Saudi Arabia
Areas of Interest:
obesity; VitaminD, Osteoporosis, PCOS
Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research
Areas of Interest:
alpha-synuclein, amyloid aggregation, animal models, cell models
Associate Editor
Nova Southeastern University
United States
Areas of Interest:
memory, nutrition, brain energy metabolism, Alzheimer Disease and other Dementias
University of Rhode Island, Butler Hospital
United States
Areas of Interest:
AD biomarkers, retinal biomarkers, plasma biomarkers, Cerebrovascular disease and vascular cognitive impairment
Instituto Nacional de Psiqiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz
Areas of Interest:
age related dementias: Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer disease and other dementiae diagnostic and treatment, neurogenesis
