Editorial Board

Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
biostatistics, Linked data, epidemiology
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Not specified
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
age-related dementias, Alzheimer's disease
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's disease, cell apoptosis, cytoskeletal organization, neurodegeneration
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Not specified
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Not specified
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
genomics, autophagy, transcription, DNA damage and neurodegeneration
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Not specified
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Not specified
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Aging and Cognition; Dementia; Neurodegeneration; Amyloid; Molecular Biology, Alzheimer's disease; neurodegeneration; tau; tauopathy
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer and Parkinson Diseases; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; frontotemporal dementia; APP; amyloid beta; tau; LRRK2; SOD1; TDP-43; calpain, mitochondrial dynamics, mitochodrial dysfunciton, mitochondrial transport
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
brain imaging; shape analysis; machine learning; MRI; computer vision
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Not specified
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
neuroimaging, machine learning
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
AD: Alzheimer Disease and vascular risk contributors; Cognitive aging and the Life Course; neuropsychological assessment using technologies; health disparities
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's disease, biomarkers, gene expression, Aging and Cognition
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
dementia with Lewy bodies, Alzheimer’s disease, neuropsychological tests, non-invasive brain stimulation
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Not specified
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
anesthesia calcium Alzheimer's disease
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
neuropsychology, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
early detection, biomarkers
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
aging, Alzheimer's disease, cognitive neuroscience, dementia
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's disease, atypical Alzheimer's disease, DTI, frontotemporal dementia
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
AD: Alzheimer Disease and vascular risk contributors; health disparities;Cognitive aging and the Life Course; neuropsychological assessment; AD biomarker; health disparities; psychosis; social determinants
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
aging, Alzheimer´s disease, epidemiology, health economics
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
neuroepidemiology, epidemiology, social environment, physical environment
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
extracellular vesicles, extracellular RNA, apolipoproteins, exosomes
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
AD: Alzheimer Disease; frontotemporal dementia; neuroimage; biomarker
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's disease, aging, neuroimaging, MRI
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Not specified
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
Aging and Cognition, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, neuropsychology
Associate Editor
Areas of Interest:
aging, Alzheimer’s disease, neurodegeneration, microglia