Biography & Research:
Dr.M.Anusuyadevi is Assistant Professor at Department of Biochemistry, Bharathidasan University. Her research group focus on Aging and neurodegeneration in particular AD and its pathophysiology. She is a recipient of Young Investigator and Young scientist award. Dr. Anusuyadevi has been recognized for her research in the field of neuroscience with good quality and high Impact factor publications in Journals specific to Neuroscience. Dr. Anusuyadevi has established Molecular Gerontology laboratory in an aim to gain insight knowledge in the prolongation of life expectancy and improving noble cognitive capability during aging. It is further interesting to understand the neuro-biological processes and biochemical changes between normal physiology to pathological forms in the brain regions during aging process. This prompted us to intrude on the molecular cascade leading to neurodegeneration, senescence, dementia and cognitive impairments.