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Bryce Vissel, PhD
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university of technology sydney
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases, neurodegeneration, neurogenesis, learning and memory
Biography & Research:
Bryce Vissel is a Professor of Neuroscience and Director of the Centre for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine in the Faculty of Science at University of Technology Sydney. His work spans neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and spinal disorders as well as studies of the neural basis of learning and memory and movement mechanisms.
After being awarded his PhD in medical genetics from the University of Melbourne in 1991, Professor Vissel joined Garvan Institute’s Neuroscience Division, where he was subsequently awarded a National Health and Medical Research Council CJ Martin Fellowship to pursue neuroscience research with Professor Stephen Heinemann at the world-leading Salk Institute in San Diego, USA.
He spent 10 years at Salk, where he authored a number of seminal studies describing molecular mechanisms that regulate synaptic function and their role in behaviour and neurological diseases.
He also received several prestigious awards – a Human Frontiers Award, a Fulbright Award and a Lieberman Award.
In late 2002, Professor Vissel returned to Garvan taking up a position as Head of the Neurodegenerative Diseases group in the Neuroscience Division. His team’s work at the Garvan since then has, among other things, provided new insights into synapse function and shown that the brain has far greater potential for regeneration and repair than previously thought. Professor Vissel is also an important contributor to a number of organisations. He is Chair of the Advisory Board of Cellmid Ltd, a member of the Board of Parkinson’s NSW, and scientific advisor to Alzheimer’s Australia and SpinalCure Australia.
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