Demonstrated brain insulin resistance in Alzheimer's disease patients is associated with IGF-1 resistance, IRS-1 dysregulation, and cognitive decline.

Talbot K, Wang H-Y, Kazi H, Han L-Y, Bakshi KP, Stucky A, Fuino RL, Kawaguchi KR, Samoyedny AJ, Wilson RS, et al.
J Clin Invest. 2012 Apr; 122(4):1316-38. PMID: 22476197. Abstract
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Physiology, Pharmacology


The study shows that the hippocampal formation and, to a lesser degree, the cerebellar cortex in AD cases without diabetes exhibit markedly reduced responses to insulin signaling in the IR→IRS-1→PI3K signaling pathway with greatly reduced responses to IGF-1 in the IGF-1R→IRS-2→PI3K signaling pathway.