Members Directory

Federazione Alzheimer Italia
Associate Editor
Hospital de la Santa Creu y Sant Pau, Barcelona
Areas of Interest:
AD: Alzheimer Disease, AD/ADRD fluid and neuroimaging biomarkers, Neuropsychology; Cognitive Reserve;
University of Salamanca. Psychology Faculty. Neuroscience Institut of Castilla-León.
Areas of Interest:
neuropsychology, aging, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive rehabilitation
Dept Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Avda. de Almansa 14, 02006 Albacete (Spain)
Areas of Interest:
hippocampal formation, entorhinal cortex, Alzheimer’s disease, neurodegenerative disorders
University of California San Francisco
United States
Areas of Interest:
Dementia; Neurodegeneration; Amyloid; Molecular Biology; Protein Aggregation; Protein Homeostasis; Protein Degradation; Tau; Alpha Synuclein; FTLD
University of Newcastle
University of Tsukuba
Areas of Interest:
Alzheimer’s disease, BPSD, care, cognition
Washington University in St. Louis
United States
Areas of Interest:
cognition, attention, healthy aging
